Community Groups

Our vision is to see healthy community groups built by members desiring to be in Gospel-centered fellowship, resulting in our church community knowing more of Christ.

Who are we?

Individuals desiring to know more of Christ together

What do we do?

Fellowship, study and practice the Word, pray

Where do we meet?

In various neighborhoods in Chicago

When do we meet?

During the week outside of Sunday service

Why do we meet?

To encourage one another as we’re encouraged by the Gospel

How do we meet?

Intentionally, with consideration for others, genuinely

Small groups shape the community at COTB, helping our members navigate Gospel influence and missional life (Acts 5:42).

We believe that community is never found, but built. Calling our small groups community groups emphasizes our mission as a church to see the Gospel transform people into Spirit-filled disciples, who know they are the beloved of God, because of Christ alone.

Our community groups exist to encourage us to grow in our shared identity in Christ (Matthew 28:19-20), to embrace our unique God-given personalities and gifts, and to love like Jesus (Matthew 22:37-40).

CGs gather in various neighborhoods in Chicago, encouraging us to pray for and love our neighbors and city. Each group consists of people from different backgrounds, in different life stages, and different seasons in their faith.

Check out our Groups page to find a CG that works for your schedule.